6 easy DIY Lip scrub for super smooth lips

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I know by now, most of you are probably using face and body scrubs but what about your lips? That’s one super sensitive area that often gets neglected. Let’s not forget that while it’s a must to exfoliate our face and bodies, it’s also needed to exfoliate our lips regularly to maintain a healthy and smooth plump lips. Due to the frigid weather, the skin on your lips tends to dry faster than other parts of your body because the surface skin on your lips is thinner and they tend to flake and peel.

And nobody likes dry and chapped lips, right? But don’t worry, I got you covered! I have the perfect solution for you – Lip scrubs. Today, I have decided to gather 6 amazing homemade lip scrubs. The great thing about them is you don’t have to spend a fortune, you can simply whack one at home with a few ingredients that you’ll easily find in your kitchen cabinet. So, check them out!

 easy DIY lip scrub


Mint Lip Scrub

I think we all know that sugar is considered to be a gentle exfoliator, which makes it perfect for the job. While peppermint oil helps stimulate circulation under your lips – making your lips appear fuller. The Grapeseed oil on the other hand is used as a natural moisturizer due to its antioxidants.

All you have to do is mix the sugar with coconut oil. Add 8-10 drops of peppermint oil, blend and addthe grapeseed oil to the mixture.


What You’ll Need:

2 tablespoons coconut

2 tablespoons sugar
8-10 drops of peppermint

1/2 teaspoon grapeseed oil



Vanilla and Coconut Lip Scrub

These 3-ingredient lip scrubis the perfect treatment for your chapped lips. The coconut oil helps soothe your lips and deeply moisturizes them. While sugar helps exfoliate the dry and dead skin.

The vanilla extract will also help in soothing sunburns. All you have to do ismix the sugar, coconut oil, and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl and you’re good to go!


What You’ll Need:

1 teaspoon unrefined coconut oil
2 teaspoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract


Orange Lip Scrub

Orange peels are excellent for treating dark and discolored lips while almond oil helps in nourishing and moisturizing them.

All you have to do is togrind the dried orange peel to make a fine powder then add the brown sugar and almond oil and mix the ingredients in a bowl.


What You’ll Need:

2 tablespoons dried orange peel powder
2 tablespoon brown sugar
10 to 12 drops of almond oil


Coffee and Honey Lip Scrub

These two ingredients combine will definitely make your lips moisturized and supple. Honey and Coffee is known to be a great exfoliator and moisturizer toour skin and lips. So, say goodbye to dry lips!

All you have to do is mix the coffee grounds and honey in a mixing bowl, stir well and you’re done!


What You’ll Need:

1 tablespoon coffee grounds
1 tablespoon honey


Cinnamon Lip Scrub

If you want plumper lips, then you should definitely give this lip scrub a try!

Cinnamon is a natural lip plumper and also acts as a natural exfoliator while the Olive Oil is packed with hydrating formulas that will keep your lips plump and moisturize.

Just combine the ingredients in a mixing bowl, mix them well and you’re good to go!


What You’ll Need:

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon powder
1/2 tablespoon raw honey
1/2 tablespoon olive oil



Coconut and Honey Lip Scrub

Coconut oil is filled with antioxidants and fatty acids that will help nourish your lips.While honey on the other hand is rich in natural healing properties. Just start by mixing the coconut oil and honey then add the brown sugar and lukewarm water to this mixture.


What You’ll Need:

1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 tablespoon organic honey
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1/2 tablespoon lukewarm water


Taking care of our skin and lips doesn’t have to cause us too much money. We just need to look for alternatives and of course, be creative! So, go ahead and create your perfect homemade lip scrub. Try these today and let me know what you think!

Do you have any favorites on this list? Let me know in the comment section below or send me an email, I would love to hear from you!


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