How To Live A Peaceful Life: 8 Important Steps

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In today’s world, where we are often consumed by so much noise and chaos, learning how to live a peaceful life may feel like nothing but a distant dream.

I thought it was too. For years, I’ve always believed that peace is something that we get once everything in our lives is falling into place. I’ve always had this notion that peace was more like a destination, something that could only be reached once all our problems were resolved and life was perfect.

But the problem with that mindset is reaching that perfect balance where everything in our lives is going right and we feel entirely at peace can be highly unrealistic. Because the hard truth is that life will always be inherently unpredictable. It will always be filled with ups and downs that can easily disrupt even our best-laid plans.

I’ve learned that if we attach our sense of peace to achieving a state where everything aligns perfectly, we are only setting ourselves up for constant disappointment and stress. One of the lessons that I’ve learned from navigating one of the lowest points of my life is that peace is not about having everything figured out ( though that would surely be great).

Living a peaceful life is about learning to navigate life’s uncertainties with resilience and grace and finding calm amidst the storm. It’s about cultivating an inner sense of calm, regardless of what is happening around us. It’s about finding joy in small things, appreciating the simple everyday moments, and embracing life’s inherent unpredictability.

We have to remind ourselves that life is by far too precious and too short to waste it trapped in the noise and chaos and constantly filled with anxiety. You have within you the power to shape a calmer and more serene life. A life where lasting happiness and contentment are not just aspirations but realities.

In this blog post, I will be sharing with you the steps I took that helped me live a peaceful life and be happier. I can’t even begin to tell you how these steps have helped me change my outlook and improve the overall quality of my life. I’m hoping that it will do the same for you.

How To Live A Peaceful Life 1

How To Live A Peaceful Life

1. Learn To Let Go Of Control

How often do you find yourself spending so much time and energy trying to predict every outcome and plan for every possible scenario? I can’t even begin to tell you the number of times I’ve done it. I have always been guilty of being what others like to call a “control freak”.

I’ve always had a plan A, B, C and even a D. I used to spend so much time and effort controlling every little detail of my life thinking that as long as I was doing this, I was somehow keeping myself and my loved ones from getting hurt. I thought that as long as I tried to control every little aspect of my life then I could somehow prevent things from going wrong.

But of course, that’s not entirely possible because the cold truth is that no amount of effort and attention can guarantee that things will always go as we planned. There will always be unexpected things that could easily pop up and ruin every amount of planning that we have done. Spending so much time and energy trying to control every aspect of my life did not stop bad things from happening.

It didn’t keep me from failing or making mistakes, in fact, what it only brought was so much anxiety and stress. The constant pressure to control and predict every possible outcome only made things even more overwhelming and when things fell apart, it only made me feel even more disappointed and frustrated.

I’ve realized that one of the best things that we can do to find inner peace and be happier is to let go of control. We have to remind ourselves that letting go of control doesn’t mean that we are being irresponsible or that we are leaving everything to chance.

It simply means that we are acknowledging that some things are just beyond our control and the best thing to do is to focus all our attention and energy on the things that we can truly influence.

Doing this does not only make things less overwhelming and stressful but it also makes us more effective and efficient in our actions. By learning to let go of control we are making space for us to truly be present in every moment of our lives and to engage more fully with the people and activities that bring us joy and peace.

2. Disconnect

In today’s world, most of us are guilty of constantly being online. We are constantly being smacked with notifications, emails, and updates which can easily become too overwhelming. That’s why disconnecting is so important not just for our peace of mind but also for our mental and emotional health.

I started by taking small steps. First I designated tech-free zones in my home, such as my bedroom and the dining area, doing this not only allowed me a more restful sleep but also encouraged me to be present and truly engaged during meal times with the people that I love.

I also started setting aside specific times during the day on weekends when I would completely turn off my phone and computer and immerse myself in activities that didn’t involve any screens.

Whether it was reading a book or simply watching the sky, these moments not only allowed me to mentally recharge but also became my sanctuary of peace. One of the things that I realized when I first started implementing these new “tech rules” is that it actually made life less overwhelming and it gave me more quite moments of peace and serenity.

It allowed me to appreciate the simple pleasures of life more deeply, which had often been overlooked because of the constant rush of notifications and scrolling through social media. So, please don’t hesitate to disconnect and take some time for yourself.

Know that what you’re doing is not being unproductive, it’s necessary and often it’s just what we need to give ourselves a moment to breathe deeply and reset.

How To Live A Peaceful Life

3. Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is one of the most important steps in helping us learn how to live a peaceful life. I know that we have probably heard the phrase “Be Grateful” a hundred times already and often, it’s not always the easiest thing to do.

Sure, it’s easy to practice gratitude when everything in our lives is going right but when we are struggling in life , being grateful just seems impossible. I felt this way too. When I hit rock bottom, I hated when people told me to “just be positive” or to “look on the bright side”.

To me, it felt dismissive of the real pain and challenges that I was facing. I thought that the best thing to do was to focus all my attention and energy on everything that was going wrong in my life, all my problems, heartaches, and disappointments. I thought that doing this would somehow motivate me to keep going and to work even harder to turn my life around.

But what it did was the exact opposite, instead of motivating me, it actually made me feel more defeated and hopeless. By refusing to look for any positive things and choosing to only focus on the negative, I was making everything so much more overwhelming to the point that I started believing that maybe life would never get better for me.

I’ve learned that practicing gratitude, even when life gets hard, is not about ignoring our struggles or invalidating the pain that we are feeling. It’s not about pretending that everything is okay.

It’s actually about acknowledging that the good can coexist with the bad and choosing to find even the smallest glimmer of hope and light even in the darkest days.

Practicing daily gratitude does not only change our perspective and outlook in life but it also allows us to find peace and calm even in the stormiest season of our lives.

I admit it wasn’t always easy finding that glimmer, especially when the problems seemed overwhelming but it was certainly worth finding. Know that it doesn’t have to be this huge and life-changing thing, it could be as simple as good weather.

The important thing is to recognize the value in everyday mundane things and take it as a reminder that even on the darkest days, there is still something to be thankful and hopeful for.

4. Be Kind To Yourself

It’s so easy to be cruel towards ourselves. Most of us are guilty of being our own worst critic. We constantly beat ourselves up and put ourselves down. I’m certainly guilty of doing this.

To be honest, for years I have always been my own harshest critic. I would constantly beat myself up for every little mistake and every little flaw thinking that doing this would somehow push me to be better and help me avoid making the same mistakes again.

But what it did was the exact opposite. Instead of actually motivating me to better myself, little by little, it was destroying my confidence and self esteem. It made me start doubting myself to the point where I felt so incapable of making even the smallest decision or taking the smallest risk without second-guessing myself. This not only made my life so overwhelming and stressful but it also greatly impacted my mental health and happiness.

If you’re guilty of doing this too, please know that you deserve to give yourself the same amount of love, respect, and compassion that you so freely give to your loved ones.

Constantly beating yourself up is not the way to better yourself and achieve growth. Please know that true growth, happiness, and peace come from a place of compassion, understanding, and patience.

You have to stop beating yourself up and start giving yourself the love and understanding that you deserve. We have to remind ourselves that living a peaceful life involves being gentle with our own hearts and minds.

Want to start loving yourself more? Take this 30 day self love challenge now.

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5. Set Realistic Goals

It’s so easy to overlook the power of setting realistic goals. Especially in today’s world, where we are forced to think that setting high and almost unreachable goals is the only path to success, happiness, and living our best lives. I used to think this too.

For the longest time, I’ve always had this notion that setting all these unrealistic expectations and goals for myself would somehow push me to work even harder and achieve more in a short amount of time. I thought that as long as I continued to push myself beyond my limits, success, and happiness would eventually follow.

But I was wrong. Setting all these unrealistic goals not only made things so much more overwhelming but it was also so discouraging and defeating, especially during those moments when those unrealistic goals just seemed out of reach. I can’t even begin to tell you the amount of anxiety this has caused me.

I spent so many sleepless nights constantly worrying about not meeting the high expectations I had set for myself. There were so many days where I felt so overwhelmed to a point that it paralyzed me and instead of actually doing something, I ended up doing nothing.

Over time, I’ve learned that there is completely nothing wrong with setting realistic expectations and goals. Doing this doesn’t mean that we are settling for mediocrity or that we are not aiming high. It simply means that we are acknowledging our current capabilities and limitations and planning our growth in a way that is both achievable and challenging.

We have to remind ourselves that the path to a peaceful life is not about constantly exceeding our limits but about finding balance and contentment in our efforts. It’s about understanding our capacities and giving ourselves the room to grow at a pace that sustains our energy rather than drains it.

6. Simplify Your Space

Simplifying our space is an important aspect of living a peaceful life. When everything around us is cluttered and chaotic, finding peace and calm can be challenging.

I know that often the act of simplifying our space can be overwhelming. Sometimes we just don’t know where to start and even looking at the clutter can already give us anxiety and paralyze us. That’s why it is so important to start small.

Know that you don’t have to declutter everything all at once. Start with one drawer, shelf, or even a corner at a time. Focus all your attention on that one area, don’t think about the other spaces that you have to tackle later. Doing this makes the act of simplifying less overwhelming and more achievable.

Simplifying my space not only made my life easier, but also made things less stressful. I found that having fewer distractions and less clutter made it so much easier for me to find peace, and calm and to think clearly.

7. Set Clear Boundaries

How many times have you overextended yourself to a point where you felt completely drained and exhausted? How many times have you said yes regardless of how many things you already have on your plate because you were so scared of disappointing other people?

I have been in this situation countless times. I have always been afraid of saying no. Growing up, I was made to believe that my worth was tied to how useful I was to other people. I took this belief with me as I grew older and it led me to consistently put others’ needs before my own.

It didn’t matter how exhausted I already was, I still felt compelled to say yes even when it compromised my own peace and happiness.

It took a breaking point for me to finally realize how crucial setting clear boundaries is not just for our happiness and peace but also for our mental health.

If you’re also guilty of constantly overextending yourself, please know that your worth never depends on how much you can do for others. Your worth and value are inherent, you are worthy just as you are now.

We have to keep reminding ourselves that setting boundaries is not about being unkind or shutting other people out entirely. It simply means acknowledging and respecting our own needs and limitations.

It’s about giving ourselves permission to say no to things that drain our energy and don’t serve our well-being and say yes to what helps us thrive, find peace, and lasting happiness.

One of the most vital steps in helping us lead peaceful and happy lives is learning to protect our energy and time. Doing this involves setting healthy boundaries and communicating them clearly to other people. Please know that the people who truly love you will understand and respect this and the only people who object to your boundaries are the ones who are thriving and benefiting from you having none.

8. Practice Forgiveness

One of the things that we have to do for us to lead peaceful lives is to learn to forgive. I know that forgiveness is not always easy. Often it can be one of the most difficult things that we can do.

I certainly know how this feels. You see, growing up, I was deeply hurt by the people that I love. I was made to believe that my worth was tied to two things. One is my achievements and the second is based on how useful I was to other people. I was constantly made to feel that I was never enough and that regardless of what I did, I would never be worthy of their love and affection.

This hurt me deeply and I took this pain and anger with me as I grew older. I thought that as long as I was holding on to this pain, I was somehow protecting myself from being hurt again. I didn’t realize that by choosing to hold on to that anger, I was not only keeping myself stuck in the past but I was also keeping myself from truly healing.

One of the greatest lessons that I’ve learned is that forgiveness is not about minimizing the wrong that they have done or invalidating the pain that they have caused. Forgiveness is something that we do for ourselves.

It’s about choosing to set ourselves free from the pain of the past and finally allowing ourselves to truly heal, move forward, and find peace.

So please allow yourself to finally let go of that giant burden that you have been carrying for so long. You deserve to give yourself the space to heal and finally find peace so that you can move forward and embrace the future with open arms and a lighter heart.

Final Thoughts

Please know that learning how to live a peaceful life is not something that we can just do overnight or even in a week. It’s something that we consistently have to choose every day. It’s about choosing to engage in things that nourish our soul and nurture ourselves.

So please be patient with yourself during this process. Don’t hesitate to spend some time figuring out what truly brings you peace and what you can do to lessen the stress in your life. Explore different practices and don’t forget to choose what resonates the most with you. You got this and please know that I’m always rooting for you!

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